Posts Tagged ‘March Madness’

Forget LeBron, Forget March Madness, Let’s Talk Tribe.

March 21, 2013

l.NMVeHVUxNkfHsUlTWhat on Heaven or Earth could even begin to compare with a father and son sharing a warm, sunny day and a frosty, cold beer at an Indians game?

That’s a trick question, of course.  The answer is nothing.

Consider my brother-in-law Bob.  He is one of the all-time greatest guys in the history of guys.  Renowned for his incessant use of bad puns and his endless good attitude about life.  There is nothing about Bob that isn’t lovable, except his cancer, which he will tell you, sucks.

But by the good grace of God, life goes on.  So Bob and his second-oldest son, Dominic (yeah, that Dominic) decided to make the most of it last week by spending a few precious days in Goodyear, AZ.

I haven’t gotten the whole story yet, but I have seen a few of the pictures… Bob mugging with Terry Francona… Bob mugging with Asdrubal Cabrera… and Bob mugging with Dominic.

Seeing these pictures, despite the fact that it is snowing outside (Spring in Cleveland is special), reminds me of something Bob Feller once said:  “Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is.”

So as we wait out the final days before Opening Day, I want to offer a big cheer:  GO BOB!  GO DOMINIC!  GO TRIBE! 
The Road to 90 lies before us, and the Tour Bus is ready to leave the station.